Aerospace Wire Harness Repair & Manufacturing
Laser Wire Marking Service
Quality Service
Our objective is to establish a reputation of integrity, reliability and quality service to the regional airline industry. We strive to maintain quality and customer service at competitive prices conducive to good business practice and ethical standards. We are all about building lasting relationships with our customers in an effort to establish ourselves as the preferred maintenance source for regional carriers utilizing the Saab-340, Embraer 120, BAE-J41 and Fairchild Metro aircraft for both Part 121 and Part 135 service.
We also offer Laser Wire Marking services. Please contact us for specifics and a quote on your custom job.
John A. Walker
Owner/ FAA Accountable Manager

QH&C is now offering Laser Wire marking as a service. Please contact us for a quote and click on services for more details.
All Saab PMA parts for European countries will be handled by our exclusive distributor, ScanParts. Please visit their website for
more info http://www.scanparts.com